50 years of
SNP (pronounced “snip”) stands for single nucleotide polymorphism and represents a type of gene mutation causing small errors in DNA replication. SNPs occur in humans naturally, about every 300 DNA replications. The significance of identifying an individual's SNPs can be critical to understanding their health patterns and disease risk. While SNPs occur in each one of us, when they happen in a significant part of the DNA strand, we can better understand how particular symptoms or health in general is influenced. For example, if it is identified that someone has a SNP on the gene that codes for an enzyme called GST that detoxifies arsenic and mercury then living in an environment high in those metals can cause an array of dis-ease. With the knowledge of where in a person’s individual genome a SNP is located can inform a trained physician how to optimize biochemical, neurotransmitter and hormonal pathways.
Understanding genetic SNPs is a complex story. There is not a clear and dry treatment for each determined SNP, it requires trained medical professionals with a clear biochemical background to help optimize your health. Genetic optimization includes dietary changes, lifestyle, supplements, exercise and perspective to reach a more optimal health.